Short Prayer for blessings to my family and friends

Family ahort prayer for blessings, Mery Bracho, free christian family images and quotes, mom and family love.
Short Prayer for blessings to my family and friends
Dear Lord, I ask you to give your blessings 
to my family and friends
please take care of them, 

May your hand of protection be 
upon them and myself.
Thanks for being with us,
for being our light in our way, 
for protecting us from danger,
for guiding us, and lead us to have faith in you.

May your blessing be with us wherever we go
and may your peace be in our family all day long.

Please keep our thoughts in serenity,
take away our anxiety and worries,
Free us from stress and despair.
Thank you for your blessings
to the whole family and friends. Amen.
Family short prayer for blessings, Mery Bracho, free Christian family images and quotes, mom and family love.