My Wish for You is that You Will Always Be Happy. Nice Quotes to my Son or Daughter

My Wish for You is that You Will Always Be Happy. Quotes for daughter, quotes for son, free christian family images and quotes, Mery Bracho, mom and family love by Mery Bracho.

Nice Quotes to my Son or Daughter
God bless you, honey
My Wish for You is that You Will Always Be Happy
taking care as you value yourself. You are a masterpiece of God,

you are in his thoughts and he loves you.
I love you too, you are my treasure greatly appreciated.

Honey, give importance to have good friends,
to keep in touch with family, they  are important pillars
that will sustain you, true friends keep close to you
with the water of love, care and time you show them,
being with them in the highlight events
and even in the simple moments.

Our family will always be your family,
cultivate relationships with your cousins, uncles,
grandparents and other relatives,
we are not isolated beings but we live socializing
and growing in love with each other.

I want you to always do well but
I know that life brings challenges,
problems and trials to overcome,
face everything with courage and

trust in God because He helps you move forward.
My Wish for You is that You Will Always Be Happy. Quotes for daughter, quotes for son, free christian family images and quotes, Mery Bracho, mom and family love by Mery Bracho.