A Prayer to God for our family. Mom and Family Love Prayers

Short prayer for my family, mom and family love, free prayer for my children protection, safety, christian prayer, christian images by Mery Bracho.
A Prayer to God for our family. 
Mom and Family Love Prayers

Thank you, God, for blessing me,
for the family you gave me
for the help, each one is for the other,
may we share in joy and love.

  Lord, I pray for my family to have
good health and growth,
may you provide for all our needs,
may we have more faith, hope, and love.
we are blessed with spiritual blessings.

Dear God, may each one 
in my family be able to see
how you are working,
to see you with your grace, faith,
may they leave your problems 
to your mighty power.

 Lord, I pray that your angels
protect and surround the house,
keep us safe when we go by car, wherever we go,
may we be blessed with your holiness,
your prosperity and your provision. Amen.

Short prayer for my family, mom, and family love, free prayer for my children's protection, safety, christian prayer, christian images by Mery Bracho.